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Please find here the details of the different courses given. The prices given are VAT included.

Courses in classroom

Level 1: 235 Eur

Level 2: 685 Eur

Level 3: 1565 Eur


Courses online

Level 1: 205 Eur

Level 2: 475 Eur




To book a course please go to following page:


Infos about face-to-face courses



=============2024 =============


NEW: Level 1


==> The next face-to-face level 1 course (in French, exam included) is planned on Monday September the 30h, 2024 during the day (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) at the Co-Guesthouse in Mons.

The course ends with the exam (MCQ 30 questions in 45')


****************** Course is open for booking **********************


Level 2  in 2024

==> A new level 2 face-to-face course (in French, exam included) is planned from October 7, 2024 on Monday evenings (6:45 p.m. - 10:15 p.m.) in one of the rooms at the Center l'Ilon in Namur-center (Free private parking) . Scheduled dates (6 courses + face-to-face exam):


7 - 14 October

4 - 18 - 25 November

2 - 9 December (exam)

price : 685 eur (VAT incl.)


****************** Course is confirmed, still a few seats *************





==> A level 3 face-to-face course (in French, exam included) has started from March 18th, 2024 on 14 Monday evenings (6.45 p.m. - 10.15 p.m.) in one of the rooms of the Centre l'Ilon in Namur downtown (free private parking).


18 - 25 March

8 - 15 - 22 April

13 - 27 May

3 - 10 - 24 June

**** summer holidays ****

2 - 9 - 16 - 23 September (exam on 23th)


Next course will be in 2025

************************* The booking is closed **********************



Infos about Online Courses (english only):


Download the Business Flyer -->



PathsToWines manages the online courses and exams. Once the course is registered, you cannot cancel it from the Monday before the course, otherwise a Fee will be requested.

After registration you will receive an e-mail from WSET ® with instructions for logging onto the Online Classroom.

Once logged in, you will receive a course calendar with the weekly subjects, background information to read, activities relevant for each subject, tasting assignments (students have to supply their own samples (*)) and quizzes.

The results of your activities and tasting assignments need to be posted online. You can exchange reactions with the instructor and fellow students online. This interaction is crucial for success in this course.

One or more mock exams form part of the study, depending on the level of the course.

(*) It is possible to purchase a tasting box adapted to your WSET course: Level 1: 6 vinottes / Level 2: 40 vinottes  (no sparkling wines) (info on request)


Each course has a specific start date and exam date, as well as a registration deadline. There are 2 online courses starting quasi every month. Please register with PathsToWines up to 10 days before the course start date. The examination takes place at a specified time in one of the Belgian examination sites of PathsToWines. The student can always change the date of the exam, provided that it is within the registration deadline, otherwise a fee will be applied. The exam must take place maximum 1 year after the start of the course.

Attention: Starting the 1st of June 2020, there is the possibility to perform the exam remotely (Remote Invigilation); more info on request.

In which language?
The online guidance is always in English. Study material and exams for online candidates are also in English. The book can be ordered extra in Dutch or French for an additional fee. This info is stated in the separate courses.

It´s the student´s own responsibility to have reliable internet access and to download the necessary software to open PDF files. Many assignments and attachments are posted as PDF files.

WSET® exam?
Please note that the exam is completed in person at one of the PathsToWines premises or online (new possibility offered since start of  Covid).

Rem: Exam face to face: PathsTowines commits a date and time with the student(s) that is convenient for both parties (a room must be booked for the exam). Booking must be done at least 10 UK working days before the date of the exam.

          Exam online (Remotely Invigilated): PathsTowines commits a date and time with the student(s) that is convenient for him/them and that he/they can choose. Booking must be done at least 10 UK working days before the date of the exam.



Online course Level 1: --> see calendar L1 in PDF (08/2023 - 07/2024):










Online course Level 2: --> see calendar L2 in PDF (08/2023 - 07/2024):








                                            --> Book a course


Niveau 1 en vins
Level 1 in wines
Niveau 3 en vins
Level 2 in wines
Niveau 2 en vins

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